Light up Your Love Life:

The Dream Partner Blueprint for Anxious or Insecure Daters

If you've been looking for the love of your life,

but you keep ending up in relationships or dating situations that exhaust you,

make you feel anxious or insecure, and barely meet your needs,

this group program is for you.

You're hopeful about finding your dream partner, but you're tired of the dating roller coaster and feel uncertain about how to find your person.

The people you're excited about seem great at first (the chemistry! talking about the future! complimenting and charming you endlessly!), but in the end they just don't commit, they stop putting in effort, or they make you feel like you have to convince them to love you.

You can't figure out what you're doing wrong.

You're hopeful about finding your dream partner, but you're tired of the dating roller coaster and feel uncertain about how to find your person.

The people you're excited about seem great at first (the chemistry! talking about the future! complimenting and charming you endlessly!),

but in the end they just don't commit, they stop putting in effort, or they make you feel like you have to convince them to love you.

You can't figure out what you're doing wrong.

You give your all in your romantic relationships, hoping it will get them to choose you. Hoping it will show them how great it would be to have you by their side.

But for all the effort you put in, you barely get anything in return.

You give your all in your romantic relationships, hoping it will get them to choose you.

But for all the effort you put in, you barely get anything in return.

You wonder why it's so hard to find the kind of partner you've dreamed of—a partner who wants to commit and build a life with you.

Someone who will show up for you, even when times are hard.

Someone who gets you and will go the extra mile in your partnership.

Someone who doesn't leave you uncertain about where you stand, analyzing every interaction and conversation, trying to figure out if you're a couple or not, if they care about you or not.

The Details

8 weeks to transform how you date

October 23 - December 11, 2024

Wednesdays, 7 - 8:30pm EST

on Zoom

$550 for 8 90-minute sessions

use code LUYLL100 for $100 off

until Oct. 14, 2024


Dating mistakes & how to fix them

Healing & changing your dating patterns so you can choose better partners

Understanding what you really want and need

How to find your dream partner

Sweet Spot Dating Blueprint

Dating confidence

Self-care for your dating process

Recordings available if you can't attend all sessions.

💔 👉 💖

I get how frustrating and confusing it is—because I've been there too.

It's so easy to get excited about someone who seems promising at the beginning,

but if you often find yourself in dynamics that are draining and leave you anxious or uncertain, it's time to transform how you date.

The usual things you look for—instant attraction and chemistry, people who talk about a future with you in the first few dates and immediately lay on the charm—aren't the things that actually lead to amazing, long-term dream relationships.

These can get you hooked on someone who is more style than substance. They might look good on paper, they might seem like your "type," but they haven't shown you that they have what it takes to be a great partner. But you're already attached (and probably exhausted) by the time you figure this out.

The usual things you look for—instant attraction and chemistry, people who talk about a future with you in the first few dates and immediately lay on the charm—aren't the things that actually lead to amazing, long-term dream relationships.

These can get you hooked on someone who is more style than substance. They might look good on paper, they might seem like your "type," but they haven't shown you that they have what it takes to be a great partner. But you're already attached (and probably exhausted) by the time you figure this out.

If you want to find your person,

it's time to change the way you date.

If you're ready for a relationship with someone who lights you up and meets you in your energy and effort,

it's time to learn what to actually look for in a potential dream partner

—and how to find one.

So you can stop falling for superficially attractive people who won't commit or put in the effort, and have the space and energy to find someone who will.

What we'll be working on

8 sessions focused on re-calibrating how you date and what you look for in a partner—so you can stop wasting time on people who won't commit or won't put in the kind of energy and effort you do.

8 sessions focused on re-calibrating how you date and what you look for in a partner—

so you can stop wasting time on people who won't commit or won't put in the kind of energy and effort you do.

what we're covering:

How your attachment system and relational history influence you to choose and get hooked on people who aren't actually dream partners—and what to do about it.

How to stop making the same dating mistakes over and over again.

Why healthy boundaries are so important when you start dating someone—and how to implement them.

✨ Tune into what you actually want in a relationship, and what your non-negotiables are. Then learn how to date intentionally so you can find someone who matches what you want, and avoid deadbeat dates more easily.

How to feel more confident being yourself when dating and putting yourself out there. Your dream person wants to know the whole you!

✨ Self-care while dating, and the signs that it's time to take a break.

how we'll do it:

✨ Easy-to-digest lessons that give you shortcuts to improving your love life

✨ Powerful exercises that help you tune into yourself and what you really want

✨ Discussions about the lessons, exercises, and your experiences (sharing in the group is optional—you'll still get so much out of it even if you don't want to share)

✨ Exploration and processing of your feelings and beliefs around dating, self-worth, and confidence so you can let go of the things that hold you back

✨ Connecting and building community support within the group (you're SO not alone when it comes to your dating challenges, even if sometimes it feels that way)

✨ The details ✨

8 weeks to transform how you date

October 23 - December 11, 2024

Wednesdays, 7 - 8:30pm EST

on Zoom

$550 for 8 90-minute sessions

(that ends up being less than half of what an individual 1 hour session costs with me, per session)


Dating mistakes & how to fix them

Healing & changing your dating patterns so you can choose better partners

Understanding what you really want and need

How to find your dream partner

Sweet Spot Dating Blueprint

Dating confidence

Self-care for your dating process

Recordings available if you can't attend every session.

Does this sound like you?

💔 You pretend you don't have needs and wants because you think that will get your date to stay with you (how could they leave if you don’t ask for anything?)

💔 You get intensely anxious or worried when a new date starts to pull away, and do all you can to try to keep them from leaving, but it often just makes things worse

💔 You worry that you’ll seem too needy or too much if you talk about what you want in a relationship, so you barely have boundaries with a new date or partner

💔 Physical chemistry is more important to you than the way your date treats you

💔 You care so much about getting someone to commit to you that you don't stop to think about whether they actually make sense for you and the life you want to live

💔 You think being in a relationship is what makes you worthy of love, therefore you exhaust yourself, doing everything you can to try to be in one

💔 You think you have to change who you are (or work harder to be "enough") to find love

Even if just a few of these resonate for you,

✨ Light up Your Love Life can help you avoid wasting time on situationships and deadbeat dates, so you can find your dream partner faster.

❌ No more wasting time on people who won’t commit, make you feel anxious or insecure, or don't meet you in your energy and effort. ❌

❌ You don't need to change who you are, do online dating, or date people you're not attracted to. Thank you, next! ❌

Even if you don't have confidence in yourself or your ability to date healthily, you're burnt out on dating, or you haven’t dated in a long time and are new to what it’s like now,

✨ Light up Your Love Life ✨ can help you date better, with more calm and confidence, so you can finally find your dream relationship. 💖

If you’re ready change your dating patterns so you can actually get what you want in your love life—I would love to help.

I’m a therapist who has been where you are—trying so hard to get someone to give me all I give them.

Trying to get them to fit into the kind of relationship I want, instead of recognizing that it shouldn’t be so hard to build a dream partnership if it’s meant to be.

I used to get so anxious and confused about dating. I’d get excited about someone I met, would start to imagine the possibilities of a future together, and then would get anxious and upset when they were constantly "too busy" to meet up, took too long to respond, or ghosted me altogether.

I didn’t understand what I was doing wrong. I kept thinking—if we’re so attracted to each other, if there’s such great chemistry, things must work out, right?

Nope, sorry!

I thought I needed to try harder. Be more patient. Chill out. Something. Anything.

I thought it was on me to do the “right things” to get a crush to come around and realize I would be the best partner for them.

And then I finally realized I was looking for the wrong things (and giving all my power away) when it came to finding a healthy partner who was ready for what I wanted.

I learned that even if there’s attraction and chemistry, there’s so much more you need to know about your connection to see if it’s worth pursuing a long-term relationship.

AND you have so much more power in deciding what kind of relationship you want—the key is not falling for superficial characteristics that make you think you've found the one, when really you've just found someone who's good at charming you.

Just because they're hot, can have deep conversations, and make you laugh doesn't mean they're going to be a great partner. There's so much more to it.

That’s what my work is about—helping you learn what’s truly important when you want a deep, healthy, fulfilling partnership, and how to put that into practice when dating so you can find it.

So you can stop putting up with the bare minimum, and start waking up to breakfast in bed with a dream partner who is actually ready to build a life with you.

If you're ready for this, join Light up Your Love Life today!

Zinta Auzins

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Want to make sure this is the right fit for you?

Book a consult today.

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Great relationships start from within.

Zinta Auzins

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario

virtual, in-person, and walk & talk therapy

(226) 705-0564