Relationship/Couples+ Therapy

Repair & reconnect

  • become aware of your part in challenging dynamics and work toward positive change

  • develop more security in your relationship

  • learn to set healthy boundaries and ask for what you want and need

  • embrace vulnerability, curiosity, and compassion

  • explore new ways to engage with each other and navigate conflict

  • get to the root of your feelings of disconnection

improve your sex life

  • shift the focus to pleasure and exploration rather than performance

  • decrease anxiety about your body and performance

  • explore what you enjoy and learn how to ask for it

  • learn to hear and accept "no"s with grace and calm rather than insecurity

  • create safety and consciously share power

my approach

I work with couples+ to help them reconnect, get unstuck from challenging attachment patterns, and put the spark back in their sex life.

I work from a feminist lens that reflects each partner back to themselves and asks them to be accountable to themselves and their partner(s). The kinds of relationships I support are about consciously sharing power, bravely embracing vulnerability, and taking responsibility for one’s impact on challenging, entrenched dynamics.

my views on sex

Sex can be an incredibly beautiful and enriching part of life, but it can also be stressful and anxiety-inducing depending on how we approach it. I'm all about expanding and relaxing our views of sex—what it entails, what it's "supposed" to be like, and how our bodies are supposed to look and behave during sex. Let's face it: sex is imperfect and messy, and it can bring a lot of fun and enjoyment. Kind of like life itself.

You don't have to look a certain way or be able to do all the things with the parts that you're working with. You can make sex about yourself and the person/people you experience it with, your connection, and your humanity—quirks and all.

I believe that the best sex happens within a space of safety, trust, respect, and emotional and/or conscious presence. It happens when each person is connected to their own desires and boundaries, and can share these openly and safely.

The main goal for sex (in my opinion) is connection and enjoyment. It’s not about performing to a certain standard; it’s about being in the moment and exploring an experience with another person (or people). I love how Esther Perel puts it—sex isn’t a thing you do, it’s “a place you go.”

I work with partners from all walks of life, with all genders and gender experiences, and sexual orientations.

I understand the different patterns of desire and arousal that can make sex feel tricky for a lot of people, especially when there are mismatches between partners.

I’m kink-positive and poly-affirming, and I hold an attachment orientation in my work.

Book your free consult call

Great relationships start from within.

Zinta Auzins

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario

virtual, in-person, and walk & talk therapy

(226) 705-0564